The Most Impressive Photos Of Manufactured Homes Ideas Ever Seen 26 Photos - Portable Homes – Mobile Homes – Manufactured Homes – Prefab Homes | Mobile Homes Club
Mobile homes these days are very good property investment that can last for a lifetime. It is unique, affordable and very convenient especially for homeowners who are always on the go. It can be rightfully said that the chasm between mobile homes and traditional bricks and mortar homes is narrowing day by day. New mobile homes can be as trendy as they come, complete with all the amenities - both necessary and luxurious. In contemporary mobile homes, you can even attach a sauna, a bath or a Jacuzzi without much of a problem.
Like most real estate the Seller usually wants too much and the purchaser wants to pay too little for a mobile home park. Certain buyers may have different motivations for buying a certain park such as money, ability to obtain better financing, conversions to other uses, and location to where they live. In this book we will only look only at the value of a mobile home park for the typical buyer who will continue to operate it as a mobile home park.